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Monday, December 13, 2010
With the support of vivid examples explain the concept of human memory, processes involved and the ways the teacher may apply to enhance memory among Tanzanian students.
Human memory defined different scholars in different perspectives and the following are
Definitions of memory:
According to Nairne (2003) defined memory is the capacity to preserve and recover information that such concepts as the past and the present gain meaning in our lives, memory is not something that can be directly observed.
According to Maisto and Morris (2003) memory is simply defined as the retention of information over time .is very dynamic process that gives us continuity as without memory could not be able to connect what happened to us yesterday with what was going on our life today and what may happened tomorrow.
There three processes involved in human memory and the following are the process of human memory:
Encoding is the processes that determine and control how memories are formed. The way we think about or encode events determines the kinds of memories that are formed; Nairne (2003).Also is the process by which information gets into memory, Santrock (2004).How information is initially placed, or ploated or use the technical word encoded in a place or a place in the brain; Omari (2006).
Storage refers to the process that control how memories are maintained, many psychologists believes that we have specific system in our brain that help us remember over time, fore example we may have a system that help us remember over the short term and different system to help us to remember over the long term, Nairne (2003).Also is the retention of information over time, Santrock (2004).How information retained or stored after being implanted there is it like a deck of cards or a nest, a beehive or specialized boxes; Omari (2006).
Retrieval is the process that determines and control how memories are recovered and translated into performance, Nairne (2003).Retrieval means taking information out of storage Santrock (2004).How the information is to be found or located and retrieval process; Omari (2006).
![]() put into memory |
Maintain in memory |
Recover from memory |

The diagram by Bernstein and Nash. (2008) describe the human memory processes.
Teachers may apply to enhance memory among Tanzanian student by using various ways, teachers are responsible for facilitating their pupil’s memory so that what is learned in school and elsewhere is not only coded and stored and stored, But can be retrieved at later date. Teachers should help to improve their pupil’s by using a variety of methods (ways) such as
Note-taking, is a useful exercise in itself in that it teaches pupil’s how to discriminate between what is important and what is not. It also necessitates that they pay attention to what is going on in the classroom. Notes also can be handy for revision, since they contribute a short version of materials which might be in text and would require more time to go through, Mwamwenda (1995).
Over learning, is another way of improving memory .A task may be described as overlearned if further learning of the task does not improve mastery thereof or the retention required. If we want to remember what we learn it is vital that we over learn it beyond the point of mere recall. It a given body of information or skills means that at the point at which a person thinks he has mastered what is being learnt, he continues to go through it several more times Examples let us say that it took a pupil ten readings of the sections on operant conditioning to master it. To overlearn this, he must reread the section beyond the point of mastery. However, there is a limit to how many times a pupil can go over mastered information to over time it. The recommended time is about 50% of the time it took to master the material originally. Going beyond 50% is not likely to be beneficial or worth the effort because of what is know as the law of diminishing returns. According to this law what is not worth the effort, Mwamwenda (1995).
Assist student in organizing what they put into their memory. Children will remember information better if they organize it hierarchically. Give them some practice arranging and reworking material that requires some structuring, Santrock (2004)
Recall during learning, involves reciting to oneself as one learns and results in quite a high retention rate; let us say that you have assignment on which you have only two hours to spend, and that it is possible to read through the material in half an hour. Reading materials for times may be less effective than reading it and asking yourself questions on what you have read and clearing up whatever you did not understand during the first reading, Mwamwenda (1995).
Motivate children to remember material by understanding it rather than rotely memorizing it. Children will remember information better over the long term if they understand the information rather than rotely rehearse and memorized it. Encourage children to understand it give s it meaning elaborate on it, and personalize. Give children concepts and ideas to remember and then ask them how they can relate the concepts and ideas to their own personal experience and meanings. Give them practice on elaborating a concept so they will process the information more deeply; santrock (2004).
Teach mnemonic strategies, mnemonic are memory aids for remembering information, these are involve imagery and words like method of Loci, Rhymes, Acronyms and Keywords method; Santrock (2004), these help student to understand easy example the use BODMAS in mathematics make the student to memories all stages in calculation like to start with Open Bracket, Division, multiplication, Addition and final subtract.
Encourage student to pay attention and minimize distraction. Talk to children about how important it is to pay attention when they need to remember something. Give them exercises in which they give their undivided attention to something; Santrock (2004). Maintenance of the attention one way is to pay close attention to the conditions that are likely to be present when you need to make the student to remember by engaging in what psychologist call transfer appropriate processing; Nairne (2003).
Focus on active learning, to make learning enjoyable example using media and technology these make the reduction of student boredom and increase attention and hence the increase the memory to students; Santrock (2004).
Periodic reviewed, it is similar to self recitation, except that it is based on the long term rather than the short term. One can arrange to review what one has studied weekly or fortnightly. This is like to make retention for more effective than cramming week or so before an examination. Examinations are intended to find out how well students understand what they have been taught rather than how well they can reproduce what they crammed. Periodic review leads to better understanding of the materials covered and therefore facilitates better performance in test and examinations; Mwamwenda (1995).
Teachers should be encourage the interaction among the students, fore example the encouragement of discussion, small group discussion, lecture with discussion, debate and panel experts, all of these increase the memory among Tanzanian students.
Teachers are response for facilitating their pupil `s memory so that what is learned in school and elsewhere is not only coded and stored and stored, But can retrieved at later date, the storage of memory first start in short term memory (STM) and final stored in long term memory (LTM about 50 years).
Bernstein, D. S. and Nash, P. W. (2008).Essential of psychology:
Houghton Mifflin Company: U.S.A
Naire, J. S. (2003).Psychology Adaptive Mind: Wards worth, a division of
Thomson Learning Inc. U.S.A
Morris, C. G and Maisto, A. A. (2003).Understanding psychology (6th edition).
Prentice Hall: U.S.A
Mwamwenda, T.S. (1995).Educational psychology: An African perspective (2nd edition).
Heinemann: Durban .
Santrock, J.W. (2004).Educational psychology (2nd edition). Mc Graw-Hill Companies
Omari, I. M. (Ed) (2006).Educational Psychology for Teachers. Dsm university press
Prepared by Teacher SEME,Andrew
Student of UDOM-COED
P.O BOX 118
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Picha ya juu ni rafiki zangu na ndugu ambao nasoma nao chuo kikuu cha UDOM na wamesaidia kwa upatikanaji wa kazi hii,mambo mengi tumepata kwa msaada wa kanisa la kingamboni sda church(charles Bij-Mutaka) ,na picha ya chini ni mimi,karibu katika makala hii fupi na ya kusisimua.....................................................................endelea
Ufunuo 13:1:
“Kisha nikaona mnyama akitoka katika bahari, mwenye pembe kumi, na vichwa saba, na juu ya pembe zake ana vilemba kumi,na juu ya vichwa vyake majina ya makufuru Ufu. 13:1
Majina ya makufuru (Name of blasphemy):
· Kudai kusamehe dhambi ni kufuru. Marko 2:5-7
Kisanduku cha kitubio katika kanisa Katoliki kinafahamika ulimwenguni pote kama ni mahali watu huenda kwa ajili ya kusamehewa dhambi zao na makasisi. {Confessional box of the Catholic Church is known throughout the world as the place where people go to have their sins forgiven by priest. Bill Hughes. The Secret terrorists (2002:141)}
· Kudai uungu ni kufuru. Yohana 10:33
Papa ana heshima kuu na kutukuka kiasi kwamba si mtu tu, lakini ni kama Mungu na muwakilishi wa Mungu. {The pope is of so great dignity and so exalted that he is not a mere man, but as it were God and the Vicar of God. Lucius Ferraris, Prompta Bibliotheca Vol. 6 pp 438}
Ufunuo 13:2
“Na yule mnyama niliyemuona alikuwa mfano wa chui, na miguu yake ilikuwa kama miguu ya dubu, na kinywa chake kama kinywa cha simba, yule joka akampa nguvu zake na kiti chake cha enzi na uwezo mwingi. “
The dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority.” Revelation 13:2
Inaonekana wazi Yohana ameunganisha wanyama watatu wa Daniel 7:2-7 waliokuwa wanatoka baharini mmoja baada ya mwingine, kwa mnyama mmoja mfano wa Chui.
· “Kinywa chake kama kinywa cha simba”-Simba anatambulishwa kama alama ya nguvu ya wababeli.
· “miguu yake ilikuwa kama miguu ya dubu”- dubu kama alama ya Waamedi na waajemi; miguu ya dubu ina nguvu sana ikiwa na makucha makali. Kama ilivyo, aweza kuitumia kutembelea, kusimama wima, kupandia au kukamatia chochote
· “alikuwa mfano wa chui”
Chui kama alama ya Wamakedonia (Wagiriki) huwakilisha wepesi,ukali na ukatili (agility, ferocity and cruelty)
Kwa hiyo mnyama huyu kifupi, anatisha, anawakilisha Urumi/Upapa ambao hapa unabeba tabia za wanyama wale watatu, simba, dubu na chui akiwa wa kutisha, mwenye guvu sana, mwepesi, katili na mkali.
Fungu linasema “joka akampa nguvu zake na kiti chake cha enzi na uwezo mwingi “
Joka ni nani?
“nyoka yule wa zamani, ibilisi na shetani “ ufu 12:9
“muuwaji tangu mwanzo …baba wa uwongo” Yoh 8:44
Joka akampa yule mnyama:-
· Nguvu zake (power):
Hivyo upapa una nguvu za kishetani.
· Kiti chake cha enzi (throne): (Yohana 12:31, 14:30,16:11 ...mkuu wa ulimwengu huu..)
kiti hapa kinamaanisha ukuu au mamlaka au utawala, na enzi ya Joka ni kipindi cha kuasi kwa mwanadamu hadi ukombozi wa mwanadamu; hivyo shetani anampa mnyama ukuu/utawala wake juu ya walimwengu. Upapa unepewa ukuu/utawala wa kishetani juu ya walimwengu!!!
· Uwezo mkuu/mwingi (great authority):
Umakini unatakiwa kuelewa kuwa upapa una uwezo mwingi wa kishetani kuliko watu wengi wanavyodhani.
Kulingana na nukuu mbalimbali inaelezwa waziwazi kuwa chanzo cha wajenzi huru (freemason) wa kisasa ni Jacques de Molai na Hermes, ambaye kifupi ni shetani (..\..\Pictures\Chanzo.png). Nukuu nyingi zitatoka katika kitabu cha Morals and Dogmas cha Albert Pike...\..\Pictures\Albert Pike.png maana ni kitabu chao. Kitabu hiki cha Morals and Dogmas kinachukuliwa ni msingi mkuu wa theologia ya freemasonry na kwamba kitabu hiki hupewa freemasons wa ngazi za juu tu na inapotokea aliyenacho amekufa ni lazima kitabu hicho kurudishwa kwenge Lodge. Sirahisi kukipata.
Katika kitabu chake cha Morals and Dogmas, Albert Pike(..\..\Pictures\Lodge mwanzilishi.png anasema kuwa katika karne ya 17 ‘chief of doomed order au Grand master’ ambaye alikuwa templar, Jacque de Molai, aliweza kuanzisha na kutengeneza kile kilichokuja kuitwa Occult, hermetic, au Scottish masonry akiwa yuko jela, na kwamba wakati huo alianzisha Metropolitan Lodge nne katika miji ifuatayo
· Naples kwa ajili ya Mashariki
· Edinburg kwa ajili ya Magharibi
· Stockholm kwa ajili ya Kaskazini
· Paris kwa ajili ya kusini
Vifupi vya majina yake, JBM, huyu Jacque de Molai vinapatikana katika degree tatu za mwanzo ikiwa ni ishara na uhakikisho wa ndani wa ujenzi huru wa kisasa (modern freemasonry) kuwa yeye ndiye mwanzilishi. A. Pike, Morals and Dogmas pg 820).
Ujenzi huru (freemasonry ) ulibeba na kuwa na misingi na kanuni kama za templar kwa kuwa na doctrine mbili, moja iliyojificha na kwa ajili ya watu maalum tena wachache,wakiitwa masters (esoteric) na nyingine kwa ajili ya wote (exoteric). A.Pike, Morals and Dogmas pg 817
Kwa haraka haraka huwezi kuona uhusiano wa mwanzo huu na uwepo wa mkono wa upapa lakini ukiwa makini utatambua kuwa Hermes, ambaye Petrovna Blavastsky katika kitabu chake Isis Unvailed, anaunganisha na kusema Hermes ni shetani. Na kama ni shetani nasi tumeelezwa waziwazi katika unabii na Yohana kuwa “joka akampa nguvu zake na kiti chake cha enzi na uwezo mwingi “ yule mnyama; basi mkono wa upapa ulikuwa katika mwanzo huu wa Ujenzi huru (freemasonry)
Kunauthibitisho wa kutosha kuwa uwanzishwaji wa Ujenzi huru wa kisasa(Freemasonry) huu una mkono wa upapa na hususan kupitia Jesuit order kama ilivyo katika uwanzishwaji wa madhehebu mbalimbali, uislam, tasisi kubwa kubwa duniani, matukio makubwa karibu yote, mkono wa mnyama haukosekani; kwa mfano, Jehova Witness, Kanisa la Yesu Kristo la siku za mwisho (Church of Jesus Christ of the latter days )..\..\Pictures\Mammon.png, Uislam, Umoja wa Mataifa na tasisi zake,vifo vya watu mashuhuri duniani, vita kuu vya dunia vyote, n.k. Bill Hughes amebainisha sana juu ya haya katika kitabu chake cha The Secret Terrorists.
John Daniel, yeye katika kitabu chake cha The Grand Designer Exposed, uk 302, anasema “Ukweli ni kwamba, Jesuits wa Rome wameukamilisha Ujenzi huru (Freemasonry) chombo chao kilichotukuka na chenye ufanisi katika kukamilisha malengo yao miongoni mwa waprotestant”..\..\Pictures\JD.png
Yesu anajisema kuwa yeye ndiye “kweli, njia na uzima” na kwamba hakuna atakayemuona Mungu pasipo Yeye (John 14:6). Aidha mwandishi wa kitabu cha Matendo, (Matendo 4:12), anabainisha wazi kuwa hakuna wokovu katika mwingine, isipokuwa YESU KRISTO. Kinyume kabisa na Biblia inavyosema inasemekana Mjenzi huru wa kweli yeye hafungamani na aina fulani ya imani ( not creed-bound) ila kama mjenzi, dini yake ni ya kijumla; majina kama Kristo, Buddha, au Mohammed si ya maana sana maana yeye huyu mjenzi huru hutambua tu nuru na wala si mbebaji. Yeye husali popote,iwe kanisani, hekaluni, msikitini au popote akijali ukweli wa kuelewa kwake umoja wa ukweli wa kiroho. (Manly Palmer Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry, pg 65) (..\..\Pictures\Mason anavyokuwa.png)
Norman Vincent Peale katika jalada la Masonic Scottish Rite ..\..\Pictures\Norman.png, ansaema Ujenzi huru hukaribisha mtu mwenye imani yoyote na dini yoyote kwenye malango yake na kitu muhimu ni watu wema kuamini katika Mbunifu mkuu na katika kutokufa kwa roho. Kumbuka: “nyoka akamwambia mwanamke. Hakika hamtakufa” Mwanzo 3:4
Siri za wajenzi huru hufichwa kwa wote isipokuwa kwa wale ambao ni, wenye akili sana, busara na wateule (its for adepts and sages or the elect),..\..\Pictures\Siri.png na hutumia maelezo ya udanganyifu na hutoa maana potofu ya alama zao ili kuwapotosha wale ambao wanastahili kupotoshwa; hufichwa ukweli na kupelekwa mbali na ukweli. Wanasema, ukweli si kwa wale ambao hawana thamani au ambao hawawezi kuupokea. (M&D pg 104-105) ..\..\Pictures\Mislead.png Aidha sehemu za alama zao huoneshwa kwa wanaoanza lakini kwa makusudi wanapotoshwa kwa kupewa tafsiri potofu. Haikusudiwi azielewe alama hizo ila inakusudiwa afikirie anazielewa. (M&D pg819). Biblia haina matabaka ya wafuasi, wafuasi wote tunaambiwa na Yesu kwamba tutaijua kweli nayo hiyo kweli itatuweka huru Yohana 8:32 na kwamba hakuna huyu anatoka wapi na ni nani, wote sawa katika kujua kweli ya kuokolewa na kuokolewa kwenyewe Warumi 10:12
Mjenzi huru hufundishwa kuwa ukombozi na wokovu ni nguvu na wajibu wa mtu binafsi na kwamba binadamu ni mwokozi na mkombozi yeye mwenyewe. (Lynn Perkins. The Meaning of Masonry pg95)
Mifano ya watu mashuhuri ambao ni freemasons au walipata kuwa:
1. Mwanzilishi wa Jehova Witness Charles Taze Russell
2. Mwansilishi wa Kanisa la Kristo siku za mwisho Joseph Smith
3. Mhubiri mkuu wa Merekani, Billy Graham
4. Mchungaji maarufu Jesse Jackson
5. Mchungaji na mwendeshaji wa kipindi kwenye TV cha Hour of Power wa kanisa la Crystal Cathedral, Robert Schuller
Upande wa wanasiasa:..\..\Pictures\Polical Leaders1.png,..\..\Pictures\Political leaders2.png
1. George W. Bush, Rais wa zamani wa USA
2. Saddam Hussein, Rais wa zamani wa Iraq
3. Tony Blair, waziri mkuu wa zamani wa Uingereza
4. Billy Clinton, rais wa zamani wa USA
5. Hillary Clinton, Waziri wa mambo ya nje wa USA
6. Yasser Arafat, Rais wa zamani wa taifa la wapalestina
7. Shimon Peres, waziri mkuu wa Israel
8. Yatzik Rabini, waziri mkuu wa Israel
9. Michail Gorbatjov –Waziri mkuu wailiyokuwa USSSR
Karibu nyanja zote utawakuta, iwe katika sayansi, biashara, sheria nk ..\..\Pictures\Mixed leaders.png
· Alama:
Bikari na kipima pembe mraba

Pentagram: Nyota yenye pembe tano
Kwa wachawi, iliyopinduliwa ina kazi moja tu, kuita nguvu au uwezo kwa shetani ..\..\Pictures\Pentagram.png Pentagon, makao makuu ya jeshi la Marekani , USA yamejengwa na Wajenzi huru!!!
Jicho lionalo yote (All Seeing Eye): 

Alama hii huonekana pengi lakini zaidi kwenye note ya Dola ya kimerikani
![]() |

Mitsubishi, Voks wagon
Kusalimiana kwa mkono (Handshake)
Ishara ya vidole

kutoka hapo huwasha mianga mingine kama ilivyofanyika wakati wa jumuisho ya dini mabalimbali duniani zilipokusanyika kule Rome
· Mafundisho ya mitego
Pantheism: kuamini kuwa Mungu hupatikana katika vitu na imani tofauti tofauti, sawa na kusema njia tofauti lakini kufikia lengo moja ..\..\Pictures\Pantheism1.png, hii ni kinyume na maandiko matakatifu, wanadamu tunaokolewa kwa njia moja tu, imani ya Yesu (Matendo 4:12)
Roho Kutokufa: Imani hii kama ilivyoanzishwa na yule baba wa uongo pale Eden imeingizwa katika imani mbalimbali na hata katika baadhi ya watu wa Mungu kwa ufundi mkuu na hawa hawa freemasons.Biblia iko wazi sana kuwa mtu hai ni muunganiko wa mavumbi na roho(pumzi ya Mungu) (Mwanzo 2:7) na mtu huyu akifa hawezi tena akawepo maana muunganiko huo haupo tena (zaburi 104:29; Mhubiri 12:7) kila kitu kina rudi kilipotoka kama kilivyokuwa awali, mavumbi (kwa maana ya mwili) unarudi udongoni, na roho( pumzi ya uhai) inarudi kwa aliyeitoa, Mungu. PERIOD.
Uungu wa Yesu: Biblia inasema kwa unagaubaga Yesu ni Mungu (Yohana1:1,2 na 14) wakati freemasonry wanamweka Yesu katika hali ya mfanano na waanzilishi wa dini mbalimbali kama vile Buddha, Mohammed, Confucius, Tao nk,kama tulivyoona hapo awali. Kufuru kubwa hii!!
Freemasons wanasema “ mtu mkamilifu ni Kristo na Kristo ni Mungu. Hii ni haki ya kuzaliwa na hitimisho la kila mwanadamu”..\..\Pictures\Kufuru Masons.png J.B. Buck Mystic Masonry pg 86 Linganisha na kanisa Katoliki linavyosema “mwana wa Mungu akawa mwadamu ili ikiwezekana tuwe Mungu” “Mwana wa pekee wa Mungu akitaka kutufanya tushiriki utukufu wake akachukua hali/utu yetu hivyo akafanyika mtu ili ikiwezekana watu wote tuwe miungu” “shangaeni na kushangilia: tumekuwa Kristo”..\..\Pictures\Kufuru RC.png Catechism of Catholic Church New York: Image books 1995 pg 129,228
Lucifer: kuinuliwa na kutukuzwa kwa shetani...\..\Pictures\Nyoka.png kunamengi katika hili huwezi kuamini!
Ni wajibu wa mkristo wa kweli kufunua (expose) hila zote za muovu bila kuhukumu (non-judgmental) kama alivyofanya Yesu alipokuwa katika mwili na ikafanywa vivyo hivyo na wanafunzi wake wa awali japo karibu wote iliwagharimu maisha yao . Yote hii ni ili watu waijue kweli, na kweli hiyo iwaweke huru.
Joka alimpa mnyama kiti, uwezo na mamlaka yake naye mnyama hutumia njia nyingi katika kuwanywesha mvinyo wa uasherati wake walimwengu wasiokuwa makini na neno la Mungu, Yehovah.
Tumegusia nyanja moja tu, freemasonry; Shetani kupitia Kanisa Katoliki na hususan Jesuit, anayotumia kuudanganya ulimwengu, TUWEMACHO. Shetani hana jipya ila ni kuiba, kuua na kuharibu! Wokovu wa mwanadamu umo katika Yesu Kristo peke yake, maana yeye alikuja kuokoa kilichopotea Mathayo 18:11, Luka 19:10
Bila Yesu katika ulimwengu wa sasa usalama wako na wangu ni mdogo sana nirahisi kunaswa katika mitego ya shetani. Jiahidi mwenyewe kumpa YESU maisha yako.